Your Voice is very powerful, although many will seek to silence you, it must be remembered that silence is assumed as approval.
The system for some make not seem to be perfect, however, it's what we currently have and clearly, we all have concerns regarding the NHS, the Economy, Housing, Health & Social Care, Employment, Defence to name but a few topics, which the Politicians treat like a hot potato.
These are relevant, however, there are other more localised topics which many of them seek not to address and it is up to you to ask about these when they knock your door, or when you attend hustings or even when they deliver their leaflet which should have contact details. Try not to mistake these a fast food leaflets and just throw them away, have a look and make contact with them.
Ask them about issues such as:
Stop n Search Abuse
The Bus Lane Fines Fiasco in Birmingham
Green Waste Collection and dirty streets
The Library of Birmingham
Deaths in Custody based on the current Kingsley Burrell Inquest
Transparency and Accountability to you
Education Issues
Youth Unemployment
There are several more, however, you know what issues are impacting upon your life and it your responsibility to ensure that you ask the questions and demand answers. Let them know your registered to vote and should they not answer your questions then you will not vote for them and will place your vote elsewhere.
This is commonly known as the power of the electorate and it's time for you to flex your muscles.
It's time to make that all important Political connection, spin is spin and reality is reality, you should make that clear also.
Let's aside inter generational disaffection and speak out as remaining silent you will never be heard, however, speaking out places you in the position to be listened too and remember one important factor, you vote is your weapon for change.
Time to use it.
Desmond Jaddoo
22nd April 2015
The system for some make not seem to be perfect, however, it's what we currently have and clearly, we all have concerns regarding the NHS, the Economy, Housing, Health & Social Care, Employment, Defence to name but a few topics, which the Politicians treat like a hot potato.
These are relevant, however, there are other more localised topics which many of them seek not to address and it is up to you to ask about these when they knock your door, or when you attend hustings or even when they deliver their leaflet which should have contact details. Try not to mistake these a fast food leaflets and just throw them away, have a look and make contact with them.
Ask them about issues such as:
Stop n Search Abuse
The Bus Lane Fines Fiasco in Birmingham
Green Waste Collection and dirty streets
The Library of Birmingham
Deaths in Custody based on the current Kingsley Burrell Inquest
Transparency and Accountability to you
Education Issues
Youth Unemployment
There are several more, however, you know what issues are impacting upon your life and it your responsibility to ensure that you ask the questions and demand answers. Let them know your registered to vote and should they not answer your questions then you will not vote for them and will place your vote elsewhere.
This is commonly known as the power of the electorate and it's time for you to flex your muscles.
It's time to make that all important Political connection, spin is spin and reality is reality, you should make that clear also.
Let's aside inter generational disaffection and speak out as remaining silent you will never be heard, however, speaking out places you in the position to be listened too and remember one important factor, you vote is your weapon for change.
Time to use it.
Desmond Jaddoo
22nd April 2015