An interesting day ahead.
Catching up with my Weight Loss programme in association with my sponsorship partners the Womens Charity WAITS( Women Acting in Today's Society). Please support them as it is a great cause.You can email them [email protected] or telephone 0121 440 1443.
Also working on taking forward our newly formed Independent Political Youth Forum, quite excited about this as I've met some really great youngsters who are willing to take this forward and develop it. Importantly they are also willing to engage and not hesitant to speak their mind.
The beginning of meaningful dialogue.
Finally looking forward to the UBL Enterprise Evening this tonight 6.30pm at New Jerusalem Church Rocky Lane Aston Birmingham seeing especially young people pitching your business ideas. If are able to do so please attend, its free entry and offer them your support or even take part.
It will be a great evening. Remember come along also for a chat.
Catching up with my Weight Loss programme in association with my sponsorship partners the Womens Charity WAITS( Women Acting in Today's Society). Please support them as it is a great cause.You can email them [email protected] or telephone 0121 440 1443.
Also working on taking forward our newly formed Independent Political Youth Forum, quite excited about this as I've met some really great youngsters who are willing to take this forward and develop it. Importantly they are also willing to engage and not hesitant to speak their mind.
The beginning of meaningful dialogue.
Finally looking forward to the UBL Enterprise Evening this tonight 6.30pm at New Jerusalem Church Rocky Lane Aston Birmingham seeing especially young people pitching your business ideas. If are able to do so please attend, its free entry and offer them your support or even take part.
It will be a great evening. Remember come along also for a chat.