As we edge towards the General Elections on May 7th 2015, various groups are now championing voter registration.
As many are aware Birmingham Empowerment Forum as one of its important activities has been championing voter registration and civic engagement here in Birmingham.
Indeed without there being any elections voter registration increased in the City according to the Elections Office.
This attention at times fuels the disaffection one could argue as to the mistrust of the whole political system.
It is essential that people are registered to vote and indeed equally important that they use their vote. However, there are other matters of civic importance and duty attached to being on the voting register. This includes being eligible to be selected for Jury Service as participants are selected of the electoral register.
In fact I did my Jury Service when I was 18 years old and ironically so did my nephew; however, we were only selected as a result of being on the voting register.
Many now promote the fact that if you want credit this is a way of validating your address, which include a mortgage I expect.
We have also been promoting the fact that, there are important civic duties available for participation such as:
School Governors
Independent Monitoring Board Members
Community Activities
Public Scrutiny Panels (Local and National Bodies etc)
Public Appointments
There are several more, however, you must be willing to participate.
However, the main point to note is that you should be registered to vote and use it if you are committed to play your part in levelling the playing field for the next generation.
The key word is unity, many will say that were all in it together, however, unity is something totally different, as we are not here to judged each other, but, actually here to help each other in order to create a better society for all.
Therefore, the time has come to play your part and get involved you have until 20th April to register to vote in order to vote at the General Elections on May 7th, however, do remember it goes beyond voting.
Cast your vote in an informed manner by seeking information about your candidates and should they knock your door, seek answers to those all important issues that affects your daily lives as opposed to just getting them of your doorstep.
It is time now for you to have your say, by playing your part.
Click here to register to vote.
Visit for information about civic duties.
Desmond Jaddoo
22nd March 2015