The main issue for me was the lack of care in dealing with disaffection and the lack of people being registered to vote in a practical manner, which was demonstrated yet again when many were turned away from Polling Stations as they were not registered to vote.
I am crystal clear now that some existing Politicians seek to fuel disaffection by their conduct, in order to ensure low turnouts at Elections.
This must now stop and we musty work together in order to deal with this. We are seeking partners to work with and not people who are willing to just attend meetings and workshops. The only way forward is through practical action by going into Communities and having events to get people out of their homes as many will not open their front doors.
We live in a time where we need to get people talking to each other, helping them to form local community groups without Political interference, which are run by the people of the local community.
We need to ensure that people are registered to vote and engage them through civic duty.
Deal with issues that affect local communities through developing solutions and ensuring that these are lobbied and implemented with support from those that seek change.
It is not the case that people are not interested, it is the fact that poverty and disaffection work together and many seek to keep people down through ensuring that they continue feeling helpless to the vote where many are on the verge of giving up.
In addition to this many do not share information hence not knowing what they could be participating in, to ensure justice and equality for all.
We must encourage people to understand the importance of their contribution in order to create that level playing field that we all seek.
It is not a pipe dream but a reality that we all can work towards:
1. Register to Vote.
2. Apply to become a Magistrate.
3. Apply to become an Independent Monitoring Board Member at your Local Prison.
4. Become a Local Councillor ( you do not need to be a Member of a Political Party)
5. Form a Residents Association or Neighbourhood Watch.
6. Become a School Governor
7. Join Police Independent Advisory Groups
These are just a few things that you can get involved please contact me for further information and you can also visit for more information.
It is time now for Community action and we need to do this ourselves as no one will do it for us. ie "BALANCE THE SCALES"
Desmond Jaddoo