As many may be aware, following Sir Bob Kerslake review of Governance in Birmingham, several recommendations have been made regarding the structure and delivery of services by Birmingham City Council.
This will off course include boundary changes and the possibility of single Councillor Wards and local elections every 4 years, instead of the current every 3 out of 4 years.
Unfortunately, this has not happened.
Therefore, NewinBrum has arranged a Kerslake People's Debate this Wednesday 18th February 2015 at 6.00pm in the Council Chamber of Birmingham Council House Victoria Square Birmingham.
This is an opportunity for you to be heard and do come along.
Please book your place by clicking here
Desmond Jaddoo
14th February 2015
This will off course include boundary changes and the possibility of single Councillor Wards and local elections every 4 years, instead of the current every 3 out of 4 years.
- You would have thought that our City Council Leadership, would have given our Local Representatives, being our Councillors the opportunity to have free hand at debating these all important recommendations, after all it is a democracy.
Unfortunately, this has not happened.
Therefore, NewinBrum has arranged a Kerslake People's Debate this Wednesday 18th February 2015 at 6.00pm in the Council Chamber of Birmingham Council House Victoria Square Birmingham.
This is an opportunity for you to be heard and do come along.
Please book your place by clicking here
Desmond Jaddoo
14th February 2015