Yesterdays, Race Audit report confirmed what we have been saying for a numbers of years. The key question is what next?. In fact we didn't really need a report, however, it is evidence that we are no imagining the continued inequalities that we face.
The History of race Relations speaks volumes, with it's continued Colonial attitudes towards the BAME and particularly African/Caribbean Community. A few years ago we were be brainwashed that Britain was post-racial. Clearly that was a blinkered view.
I hear many say that there are opportunities hear for all, however, the playing field is not and has never been level. Clearly, we need to have a new approach, as some of us grin and bear the issues that we face by not wanting to muddy the waters, whilst some seek to comply in order to fit in.
The spirit of the Windrush Generation when they united to overcome some of the issues faced needs to be rejuvenated and the new players that can stand up and fight for Justice now need to be heard, as many have no run out of steam, in my view.
Reports are just that reports, action is something totally different. We need to adopt a Zero Tolerance attitude towards racial inequality in this Country, we are not in the times of slavery or colonialism and we must now demand the equality that we have worked hard for.
The 2010 Equality Act was a kick in the face for Race as lumping everything together, only sought to place race way down the agenda. In terms of attitudes towards race relations, we hear when a complaint is made,"they are playing the race card" this is a clear indictment of the prejudice that is faced by the Black Community in the UK in 2017.
Clearly, it is time for change, however, we must demand change by uniting and placing the right people at the decision making tables.
I just believe that this report just confirms that we as a people are now at the back of the bus again, which is a slap in the face of the hard ground-breaking work that our elders did to make Britain a Great Nation again.
Were not asking for much just a level playing, is that too much to ask for?
Desmond Jaddoo
Yesterdays, Race Audit report confirmed what we have been saying for a numbers of years. The key question is what next?. In fact we didn't really need a report, however, it is evidence that we are no imagining the continued inequalities that we face.
The History of race Relations speaks volumes, with it's continued Colonial attitudes towards the BAME and particularly African/Caribbean Community. A few years ago we were be brainwashed that Britain was post-racial. Clearly that was a blinkered view.
I hear many say that there are opportunities hear for all, however, the playing field is not and has never been level. Clearly, we need to have a new approach, as some of us grin and bear the issues that we face by not wanting to muddy the waters, whilst some seek to comply in order to fit in.
The spirit of the Windrush Generation when they united to overcome some of the issues faced needs to be rejuvenated and the new players that can stand up and fight for Justice now need to be heard, as many have no run out of steam, in my view.
Reports are just that reports, action is something totally different. We need to adopt a Zero Tolerance attitude towards racial inequality in this Country, we are not in the times of slavery or colonialism and we must now demand the equality that we have worked hard for.
The 2010 Equality Act was a kick in the face for Race as lumping everything together, only sought to place race way down the agenda. In terms of attitudes towards race relations, we hear when a complaint is made,"they are playing the race card" this is a clear indictment of the prejudice that is faced by the Black Community in the UK in 2017.
Clearly, it is time for change, however, we must demand change by uniting and placing the right people at the decision making tables.
I just believe that this report just confirms that we as a people are now at the back of the bus again, which is a slap in the face of the hard ground-breaking work that our elders did to make Britain a Great Nation again.
Were not asking for much just a level playing, is that too much to ask for?
Desmond Jaddoo