Please share this ************************URGENT*****************************
It is sad and outrageous that a hardworking and dedicated Councillor Paulette Hamilton was deselected by The Labour Party last night for which she has been a loyal advocate for many years.
As many are aware she has had a bumpy ride at times, being turned down for Cabinet and removed from the transport committee last year. However, Paulette has been doing a sterling job as Mental Health champion, which is an important task, bearing mind the impact upon the black community and the outstanding issue at present of Kingsley Burrell.
It is common knowledge Paulette faced many issues in Handsworth Wood with her colleagues, but, removing her in this way and replacing her without a candidate with no experience or knowledge of the area to my understanding is totally outrageous.
At a time when parties should be reaching out to the disaffected for which the the African/Caribbean Community fall into this category with up to 50% not being registered to vote and my Political & Civic Campaign including voter registration is not assisted by what has happened.
This sends a clear message to the African/Caribbean Community by Labour and you that figure that out for yourself.
Please support Paulette, she is and has been hard working over the years and we must not take this lying down.
Please write to the Labour Party or telephone them and voice your opinion.
There is a general Election next year and its time for us to wake up and mobilise our community to get behind those that can offer us proper and fair representation. These actions are taken because we are not engaging, we do not have many African/Caribbean Councillors as it is at present and this will see a reduction.
One question was the selection process fair and transparent?
Was all those that voted eligible?
Why had the Labour Party taken action to deal with the issues faced by Paulette with her colleagues?
Please email The Senior Regional Director Ian Reilly [email protected] or tel: 0121-569 1900.
We must act now. Enough is Enough, if we don't then ?