No Representation No Justice
After a week of inspiration, where do we go from here?
The fight for change continues, but, with more vigour than before. Everyday we see injustices throughout the world, however, whilst wanting to deal with international issues, the injustices at home are forgotten about. Social and economic Depravation, Inequalities in Race, Gender, Wealth, Ability and Health.
The lack of political representation in many cases, despite politicians talking about celebrating diversity and in some cases super diversity, they seem to be reluctant in reflecting this in government both locally and nationally.
Some will say that we are on the right road, but, what road and where to?
Various communities did not have to deal with the issues that the civil rights movement in the USA faced during the 1960’s and indeed today in some states. Rev. Jesse Jackson by the time he was 21 was imprisoned some 12 times, once for wanting to enter a library to borrow a book.
This week the Birmingham Mail reported comparing 2013 Birmingham UK to 1960’s Alabama.
The question is; have we as a people become insular to such an extent that we are just taken advantage off? I believe as we are people of resilience and this was clearly demonstrated by our ancestors throughout slavery, where they had to find a way to deal with living with oppression every day of their lives, we have failed to continue the movement as it would appear that we have given up.
But is that really the case?
Just because our engagement and our roles are taken for granted, that does not mean we should give up.
Its time to stand up and be counted. The time for change is upon us and its time to move on it now.
How many more unjustified stop n searches?
How many more deaths in Custody?
How many more unjustified detentions?
How many more under achievements?
How many more lack of access?
The list goes on.
How about:
Stop n Listen
Stop n Employ
Stop n Educate
Stop n Share
Stop n Engage
Stop n Embrace our Diversity
The list goes on.
The power is with us its time for us to demand change by getting involved. Many are talking about a General Election in 2015, but, we have Local Elections and indeed European Elections in 2014, over the coming months lets get registered to vote and use it don’t let decision makers be elected by a minority turn and use your vote, get to know your candidates and let them earn your support.
To get any form of Justice we need effective representation, its time to be proactive and no longer settled for a second rate service. We all deserve the best.
Desmond Jaddoo
After a week of inspiration, where do we go from here?
The fight for change continues, but, with more vigour than before. Everyday we see injustices throughout the world, however, whilst wanting to deal with international issues, the injustices at home are forgotten about. Social and economic Depravation, Inequalities in Race, Gender, Wealth, Ability and Health.
The lack of political representation in many cases, despite politicians talking about celebrating diversity and in some cases super diversity, they seem to be reluctant in reflecting this in government both locally and nationally.
Some will say that we are on the right road, but, what road and where to?
Various communities did not have to deal with the issues that the civil rights movement in the USA faced during the 1960’s and indeed today in some states. Rev. Jesse Jackson by the time he was 21 was imprisoned some 12 times, once for wanting to enter a library to borrow a book.
This week the Birmingham Mail reported comparing 2013 Birmingham UK to 1960’s Alabama.
The question is; have we as a people become insular to such an extent that we are just taken advantage off? I believe as we are people of resilience and this was clearly demonstrated by our ancestors throughout slavery, where they had to find a way to deal with living with oppression every day of their lives, we have failed to continue the movement as it would appear that we have given up.
But is that really the case?
Just because our engagement and our roles are taken for granted, that does not mean we should give up.
Its time to stand up and be counted. The time for change is upon us and its time to move on it now.
How many more unjustified stop n searches?
How many more deaths in Custody?
How many more unjustified detentions?
How many more under achievements?
How many more lack of access?
The list goes on.
How about:
Stop n Listen
Stop n Employ
Stop n Educate
Stop n Share
Stop n Engage
Stop n Embrace our Diversity
The list goes on.
The power is with us its time for us to demand change by getting involved. Many are talking about a General Election in 2015, but, we have Local Elections and indeed European Elections in 2014, over the coming months lets get registered to vote and use it don’t let decision makers be elected by a minority turn and use your vote, get to know your candidates and let them earn your support.
To get any form of Justice we need effective representation, its time to be proactive and no longer settled for a second rate service. We all deserve the best.
Desmond Jaddoo