A short and brief note asking you a simple question "who is prepared to work for you in Newtown?".
It is refreshing to know that you are responding to me when I put my flier through your letter box. Furthermore, having walk the whole area, there is a clear need for transparent and accountable leadership in order to bring about the changes needed to improve your daily lives.
Remember, Leaders at there to serve and not be served.
You have been let down and it is now time for you to speak out and invoke the change you want to see in Newtown on Thursday 3rd May 2018.
You have until midnight to register to vote and you can simply do it here https://www.yourvotematters.co.uk/.
The choice is yours. Who will be there for "everyone and not the chosen few"?
Time to start thinking and time to be heard on Thursday 3rd May 2018.
Gun & Knife Crime
Dirty Streets
Housing Issues
Poor Street Lighting
Anti-Social Behaviour
Pot Holes
Dangerous Paths
Lack of Community Facilities
The Drum
Newtown Community Centre
Job Opportunity
Greater Unity
Effective Leadership and Representation for all.
Making Newtown, and area of opportunity that is brighter, greener, safer and better for all.
Please do get in touch:
Desmond Jaddoo
[email protected]
Tw; @desjaddoo
Fb: Desmond Jaddoo
D. Jaddoo
17th April 2018
It is refreshing to know that you are responding to me when I put my flier through your letter box. Furthermore, having walk the whole area, there is a clear need for transparent and accountable leadership in order to bring about the changes needed to improve your daily lives.
Remember, Leaders at there to serve and not be served.
You have been let down and it is now time for you to speak out and invoke the change you want to see in Newtown on Thursday 3rd May 2018.
You have until midnight to register to vote and you can simply do it here https://www.yourvotematters.co.uk/.
The choice is yours. Who will be there for "everyone and not the chosen few"?
Time to start thinking and time to be heard on Thursday 3rd May 2018.
Gun & Knife Crime
Dirty Streets
Housing Issues
Poor Street Lighting
Anti-Social Behaviour
Pot Holes
Dangerous Paths
Lack of Community Facilities
The Drum
Newtown Community Centre
Job Opportunity
Greater Unity
Effective Leadership and Representation for all.
Making Newtown, and area of opportunity that is brighter, greener, safer and better for all.
Please do get in touch:
Desmond Jaddoo
[email protected]
Tw; @desjaddoo
Fb: Desmond Jaddoo
D. Jaddoo
17th April 2018