Pannel Croft Village is a good example of our diversity not only being embraced, but, has a clear sense of Community and not spin.
Clearly, today beyond Pannel croft we do ask where is the Community in Newtown. We are aware of the lack of facilities, the lack of hope owing to the condition of the area, which has just been neglected and also where is that all important cohesive plan to rebuild the area on all levels.
I have been on the doorsteps and others will be also. Ask them about their plans and how they intend to sort out issues that affect your daily lives? Ask them where have they been and why are they turning up now? Ask them how do you get access to them? ask them about surgeries? ask them about The drum & Newtown Community Centre? This is just the start, the point is question them about what impacts upon your area and not just that how do they intend to rebuild your community?
Basically, let me justify knocking your door including me and let them earn your vote and no take anything for granted.
This is your time in Newtown and on 3rd May the power is with you and no-one else.
Just ensure you vote for the person that will be there for "everyone and not the chosen few" and that's me Desmond Jaddoo.
Do get in touch:
Desmond Jaddoo
[email protected]
Tw: @desjaddoo
Fb: Desmond Jaddoo
20th April 2018