In the past 48 hours, I can confirm that I have visited all 20 Tower Blocks in Newtown owned by Birmingham Housing Department.
Some were ok and some were very well not so ok.
It is clear from my previous experience that despite cosmetic appearances, not much has changed and conditions in some cases should be far better than they are now.
Also the withdrawal of the concierge service has impacted upon residents feeling safe in addition to the increasing anti-social behaviour, drug dealing and using in the communal areas and in fact access to services also. Some residents are advising me that the additional sums for concierge and cleaning are still in their rent but they are not receiving these services.
Well let me make it clear, this will be addressed and your vote for me on Thursday 3rd May will ensure that the Housing Department delivers the required service to you the residents.
These are important issues for you and these flats are your home and you have a right to feel safe, secure and have a decent environment for you, your family and your visitors.
This is a message to "everyone and not the chosen few".
Do get in touch:
Desmond Jaddoo
Tel: 07946-374577
EMAIL: [email protected]
Twitter: @desjaddoo
Facebook: Desmond Jaddoo
12th April 2018