Road safety has been highlighted in Newtown with the continual issue of congested parking and rat runs.
Hospital Street for example has been raised with the issue of speeding cars from New John Street West during the day and then speeding with ASB at night.
Similar issues have been raised and witnessed by myself in the Burlington Street area, whilst St. Georges has the same issue along with seriously congested parking during the day, owing its proximity to the city centre and Jewellery Quarter.
In addition to this the further concern of the shopping centre car park being used for drag racing at night.
These are all historic issues, which have never been addressed by the local Councillors, who claim that they are there for the people of Newtown.
Clearly, the fact that non of these matters have ever been addressed, clearly, show a major disconnect, lack of leadership and representation for Newtown.
These are issues that I am raising and will ensure that traffic calming measures and enforcement takes place, as this is an area with families and we wish to see no incidences during school times and especially during the holidays.
The people of Newtown deserve better and that choice is theirs on Thursday 3rd May 2018. Its time for change and you the people of Newtown hold the key.
This is for "everyone and not the chosen few".
Do get in touch:
Desmond Jaddoo
Tel: 07946-374577
EMAIL: [email protected]
Website: www.desjaddoo.org.uk
Twitter: @desjaddoo
Facebook: Desmond Jaddoo
4th April 2018
Hospital Street for example has been raised with the issue of speeding cars from New John Street West during the day and then speeding with ASB at night.
Similar issues have been raised and witnessed by myself in the Burlington Street area, whilst St. Georges has the same issue along with seriously congested parking during the day, owing its proximity to the city centre and Jewellery Quarter.
In addition to this the further concern of the shopping centre car park being used for drag racing at night.
These are all historic issues, which have never been addressed by the local Councillors, who claim that they are there for the people of Newtown.
Clearly, the fact that non of these matters have ever been addressed, clearly, show a major disconnect, lack of leadership and representation for Newtown.
These are issues that I am raising and will ensure that traffic calming measures and enforcement takes place, as this is an area with families and we wish to see no incidences during school times and especially during the holidays.
The people of Newtown deserve better and that choice is theirs on Thursday 3rd May 2018. Its time for change and you the people of Newtown hold the key.
This is for "everyone and not the chosen few".
Do get in touch:
Desmond Jaddoo
Tel: 07946-374577
EMAIL: [email protected]
Website: www.desjaddoo.org.uk
Twitter: @desjaddoo
Facebook: Desmond Jaddoo
4th April 2018