This week whilst on my walkabout through Ladywood Ward, delivering my leaflets and introducing myself to the residents, schools, places of worship and community groups.
The number of people that are disillusioned with the system of governance is absolutely vast and is on the verge of increasing as people feel they are not being listened too, consulted or even respected as a human being.
It has been made clear to me that the current socio-economic factors are impacting upon the people of Ladywood so badly that it is already fuelling the high levels of disaffection that already exists alongside, the complete local political disconnect.
This week I launch the first of what will eventually become three one hour weekly surgeries as soon as the other locations are identified, which will include immigration and legal advice and voter registration.
The first, which is every Thursday at St. Lukes Church Great Colmore Street Lee Bank Birmingham between 11.00am and 12 Noon, highlighted issues of the disaffection which I previously mentioned, we had people in who were not on the electoral register who were householders for many years and indeed one even tried to vote during the West Midlands Police & Crime Commissioner Elections and could not as they were not on the register and alarmingly to date despite the canvass has not done anything about it.
When asked why he said “what I am really voting for as the same people do the same thing, ignore our needs”. This I found a very powerful statement and unfortunately someone else went on to tell me that they are not registered to vote and neither are their children. I have remedied this now, however, this is proof of my previous blogs that the way in which the people are represented and the disconnections and lack of access that the people face only fuels the ever increasing issue of disaffection as they feel powerless.
The question that I must ask is “do the existing politicians care about the electorate and the need the ensure people are registered to vote and indeed use it; in order to increase the previous derisory turnout in Ladywood Ward at the last local elections of 16.5%?”
Another issue that came up was one of what is a consultation and it was made clear to me that this does not happen, remember these are the words of the residents of Ladywood.
I believe the experiences that I have had so far on this topic from within the ward speaks volumes and we should be working on the ground to improve this. After all we do live in a democracy where freedom and speech and expression is paramount, unfortunately at times there appears to be mechanisms in play to subdue this.
I must confess it was great walking down the 31 floors of Cleveland and Clydesdale Towers, as oppose to walking up and I’ve lost a few pounds walking about.
The message is clear to me it is time for change in Ladywood and we must ensure that the residents of the ward are prepared to use their voice, their vote on 22nd May 2014.
Those of you who are not registered to vote please contact me immediately and this can be arranged by emailing [email protected] or calling 07785-918625.
Alternatively, there will be a voter registration desk at Ladywood Community Centre, this Saturday 8th March 2.00pm – 6.00pm and also at our advice surgery as mentioned at St Lukes Lee Bank on Thursday’s 11.00am -12 Noon.
This is a simple message, you the people are the ones that can make change happen, time to use your power in Ladywood on Thursday 22nd May 2014, and make it count.
Remember I am here to work with you to build a better Ladywood for all. “People First Not Party”
Desmond Jaddoo
The number of people that are disillusioned with the system of governance is absolutely vast and is on the verge of increasing as people feel they are not being listened too, consulted or even respected as a human being.
It has been made clear to me that the current socio-economic factors are impacting upon the people of Ladywood so badly that it is already fuelling the high levels of disaffection that already exists alongside, the complete local political disconnect.
This week I launch the first of what will eventually become three one hour weekly surgeries as soon as the other locations are identified, which will include immigration and legal advice and voter registration.
The first, which is every Thursday at St. Lukes Church Great Colmore Street Lee Bank Birmingham between 11.00am and 12 Noon, highlighted issues of the disaffection which I previously mentioned, we had people in who were not on the electoral register who were householders for many years and indeed one even tried to vote during the West Midlands Police & Crime Commissioner Elections and could not as they were not on the register and alarmingly to date despite the canvass has not done anything about it.
When asked why he said “what I am really voting for as the same people do the same thing, ignore our needs”. This I found a very powerful statement and unfortunately someone else went on to tell me that they are not registered to vote and neither are their children. I have remedied this now, however, this is proof of my previous blogs that the way in which the people are represented and the disconnections and lack of access that the people face only fuels the ever increasing issue of disaffection as they feel powerless.
The question that I must ask is “do the existing politicians care about the electorate and the need the ensure people are registered to vote and indeed use it; in order to increase the previous derisory turnout in Ladywood Ward at the last local elections of 16.5%?”
Another issue that came up was one of what is a consultation and it was made clear to me that this does not happen, remember these are the words of the residents of Ladywood.
I believe the experiences that I have had so far on this topic from within the ward speaks volumes and we should be working on the ground to improve this. After all we do live in a democracy where freedom and speech and expression is paramount, unfortunately at times there appears to be mechanisms in play to subdue this.
I must confess it was great walking down the 31 floors of Cleveland and Clydesdale Towers, as oppose to walking up and I’ve lost a few pounds walking about.
The message is clear to me it is time for change in Ladywood and we must ensure that the residents of the ward are prepared to use their voice, their vote on 22nd May 2014.
Those of you who are not registered to vote please contact me immediately and this can be arranged by emailing [email protected] or calling 07785-918625.
Alternatively, there will be a voter registration desk at Ladywood Community Centre, this Saturday 8th March 2.00pm – 6.00pm and also at our advice surgery as mentioned at St Lukes Lee Bank on Thursday’s 11.00am -12 Noon.
This is a simple message, you the people are the ones that can make change happen, time to use your power in Ladywood on Thursday 22nd May 2014, and make it count.
Remember I am here to work with you to build a better Ladywood for all. “People First Not Party”
Desmond Jaddoo