3 of the 4 West Midlands Police Officer’s that had contact with Kingsley Burrell prior to his death on 31st March 2011, will be facing Gross Misconduct Hearings, which are scheduled to commence on 22nd June 2015 at The Tally Ho Training centre in Birmingham.
Following the Home Office announcement in March of this year, prior to the General Elections of which a copy is attached, Theresa May announced amongst various new guidelines that Police disciplinary hearings should be held in public.
Last week we saw the Thames valley death in custody case of Habib "Paps" Ullah, where the Police Officer’s disciplinary hearings are actually being held in public.
Clearly, following the damming narrative verdict of “neglect”, excessive force and prolonged restraint in addition to the failure to remove the blanket which covered Kingsley’s head, transparency is essential in this case and having just invited four family members to the hearing along with a guest each is wholly unsatisfactory.
A letter requesting that the hearing be open to the Public following the recent announcement by the Home Secretary has been sent to the Chief Constable Chris Sims and copied to the Police and Crime Commissioner for the West Midlands David Jamieson.
It is now time for full transparency and accountability by West Midlands Police and these Officers’s did play a part in the “Neglect” that Kingsley was subjected too, as per the Inquest Jury’s conclusions and the Burrell family are adamant that no more decisions should be made behind closed doors in their quest for answers and justice for Kingsley.
In addition to this The Birmingham Conservative Group have supported our call for a Public Inquiry into the circumstances of the systemic failings in Kingsley death.
We also welcome the announcement made at Tuesday’s full Council meeting, that the Leader Sir Albert Bore will be writing to the Home Secretary on behalf of all parties supporting the calls for a Public Inquiry following a question tabled by Councillor Robert Alden.
Desmond Jaddoo
10th June 2015