What is society coming to when a nurse who is charged with caring for their patient is told that there is no room for you in the ambulance in order for you to carry out your duties.
The Kingsley Burrell inquest is highlighting for me some serious issues of systemic failure by indeed all the services which have been involved.
West Midlands police, I meant to have service, the national health service, and the West Midlands ambulance service, do you actually have a lot of questions to one side as it would appear that they have a part in failing to care for Kingsley as though he were a member of the human race.
Today we heard from the Ward Manager who to be perfectly honest seem to be more concerned about covering her back by trying to justify some of her actions which was not to carry out the duties that were asked of her by the Consultant Psychiatrist who was in charge of the ward.
Although she felt that her actions and decisions were taken to de-escalate the situation in fact they actually escalated the main incident that took place at Mary Seacole Centre on 30 March 2011.
A concern was that she believed that her statement to the IPCC which was made some three weeks after Kingsley's untimely death was inaccurate in comparison to her recollection today.
The Nurse that was scheduled to travel in the ambulance in order to monitor Kingsley's vital signs was very credible as he stated that when he attempted to enter the ambulance he was asked to leave by a member of the ambulance crew and they stated they had no room for him, despite Kingsley being his patient.
He took the decision to travel news on car as he was apparently not been allowed to care for Kingsley.
It is clear that Kingsley travelled in the back of the ambulance with police officers and the question is why? Furthermore the other question is who was left to monitor Kingsley's condition, whilst travelling in the ambulance under the care of the mental health trust.
There is more to come and it will be interesting to see how this whole scenario unravels, as the Nurse's evidence continues tomorrow morning 9.30am at Birmingham Coroner's Court.
22nd April 2015