I found it very hard to believe that in such an important case, that there are so many conflicting versions of the events that lead to Kingsley's death.
The one thing that is certain is that Kingsley lost his life.
It is alarming that there appears to be a systemic break of procedure and duty of care by all of the agencies involved in this matter and I formed a view that some of those giving evidence, were more concerned at covering their backs as opposed to be fully accurate and honest about the events of March 2011. Their were times when the comment "it happened along time ago and I can't remember" appeared to be a statement of convenience, when witnesses statements and evidence were found to be conflicting.
One thing is certain it has come out that:
1. Evidence given to the Doctors at the Section 2 Assessment was not accurate.
2. The Mental health trust and Police failed to follow procedures at Mary Seacole Centre.
3. The Police requested a Dog Unit and are unable to explain why?
4. The Police restrained Kingsley on 30th March 2011 and also hit him whilst fully restrained and indeed strap on a stretcher.
5. One very large Police Officer, said he was frightened to the point where his knees were trembling, despite not encountering Kingsley before, however, formed an opinion based on information received.
6. The incident at Mary Seacole Centre was really caused by the Ward Manager not allowing Kingsley mother to see her son.
7. The Ambulance Staff apparently placed a blanket over Kingsley head which may have also been held over his face.
8. The Nurse who was there to care for Kingsley was told there no room for him in the back of the ambulance, as it was occupoies by 4 large Police Officer's and an Ambulance technician.
9. the ward Manager, did not fully carry out the instructions given to her by the Consultant Psychiatrist.
Clearly, in the brief summary, there are alot of concerns and many questions as opposed to answers.
Lets see what the forthcoming week has to offer, however, one thing I can say it's not a very pretty picture.
Desmond Jaddoo
26th April 2015