I wrote to the Deputy leader of Birmingham City Council requesting consideration be given to rename Birmingham Library in tribute to Nelson Mandela instead of handsworth Leisure centre.
I welcome the debate and dialogue which I believe is ever so lacking in Birmingham however, racism on social media is rearing it's head and begs the question is Birmingham embracing it's diversity or is it just window dressing?
I received this email earlier on this morning:
"as a white englishman who was born in and has lived in birmingham all my life, i dont want my library named after nelsom mandela just because he is black and just to please you so called minoritys who think you own this city,birmingham is a english city and not a province of south africa simple as that.i am sick and tired of white working class people in birmingham being treated like 3 class citixens and immigrants like you trying to destroy are cultural heritage and are history,what next,the muslims asking for birmingham library to be named after osama bin laden,when will you immigrant so called minoritys stop trying to dictate to the english people in are own country....stewart from birmingham"
My reply
"Hi Stewart
Thank you for your email.
Just to point out I'm born in Birmingham and grew up here.
I would also point out that I feel as though I'm treat as bottom of the class system. However, this is a suggestion from a radio show and I'm not apologising for making the suggestion, just as you are perfectly entitled to your opinion.
We call it democracy. The position is simple we have a Council that does not ask the people for their opinion through consultation. By the way my parents are from Jamaica and they came here under British rule with British passports.
Thanks for your comments and you have a great day.
Kind regards "
What do you think?
We need to get involved and unite to change our city by using the system and get more people into local and national government that can tackle these issues.
We have a long way to go as a City, that is yet to really embrace it's diversity.
Desmond Jaddoo
I welcome the debate and dialogue which I believe is ever so lacking in Birmingham however, racism on social media is rearing it's head and begs the question is Birmingham embracing it's diversity or is it just window dressing?
I received this email earlier on this morning:
"as a white englishman who was born in and has lived in birmingham all my life, i dont want my library named after nelsom mandela just because he is black and just to please you so called minoritys who think you own this city,birmingham is a english city and not a province of south africa simple as that.i am sick and tired of white working class people in birmingham being treated like 3 class citixens and immigrants like you trying to destroy are cultural heritage and are history,what next,the muslims asking for birmingham library to be named after osama bin laden,when will you immigrant so called minoritys stop trying to dictate to the english people in are own country....stewart from birmingham"
My reply
"Hi Stewart
Thank you for your email.
Just to point out I'm born in Birmingham and grew up here.
I would also point out that I feel as though I'm treat as bottom of the class system. However, this is a suggestion from a radio show and I'm not apologising for making the suggestion, just as you are perfectly entitled to your opinion.
We call it democracy. The position is simple we have a Council that does not ask the people for their opinion through consultation. By the way my parents are from Jamaica and they came here under British rule with British passports.
Thanks for your comments and you have a great day.
Kind regards "
What do you think?
We need to get involved and unite to change our city by using the system and get more people into local and national government that can tackle these issues.
We have a long way to go as a City, that is yet to really embrace it's diversity.
Desmond Jaddoo