Since highlighting the case of Ishuba Salmon who was sentenced to 4 years 4 months in 2006, on an IPP sentence ( Indeterminate Sentence for Public Protection). Other people have now been coming forward where many have actually served double, triple and in some cases quadruple their original tariffs.
Also having made enquiries with the Ministry of Justice in the case of Ishuba, many incidences of maladministration has also been uncovered, which only compounds the issues being faced by the inmates and their families, with not having a clue about when they would be released, or even to the point where many feel that they will never be released and contemplating self harm.
This sentence was abolished in 2012, however, some 5000 inmates are still incarcerated, with an IPP sentence, which one could argue is wrong as the sentence was abolished for the reason of administration which is still being highlighted today.
Please read the attached petition and we urge you to sign and share it with other's.
It must also be noted although it is requesting parole for those on IPP sentences which have served their tariffs, they would be released on licence, which could be potentially a life licence also, hence, still a level of probation control.
Petition click here
Desmond Jaddoo
Also having made enquiries with the Ministry of Justice in the case of Ishuba, many incidences of maladministration has also been uncovered, which only compounds the issues being faced by the inmates and their families, with not having a clue about when they would be released, or even to the point where many feel that they will never be released and contemplating self harm.
This sentence was abolished in 2012, however, some 5000 inmates are still incarcerated, with an IPP sentence, which one could argue is wrong as the sentence was abolished for the reason of administration which is still being highlighted today.
Please read the attached petition and we urge you to sign and share it with other's.
It must also be noted although it is requesting parole for those on IPP sentences which have served their tariffs, they would be released on licence, which could be potentially a life licence also, hence, still a level of probation control.
Petition click here
Desmond Jaddoo