It is normally the case that when you come under attack you come out fighting.
However, in recent weeks I have had to question where is our fighting spirit? Is it the case now that austerity and oppression, reliance on food banks, unemployment and disaffection have taken over our lives to such an extent where we just accept anything?
One must remember that silence signals compliance meaning that those in positions of leadership will feel that they are being endorsed, which at times is clearly not the case.
In recent weeks following the death of fellow Activist Solicitor Jeffrey Atkinson, we have seen the proposed closure of Kajans Studio College in Aston, we have learnt that the Crown Prosecution Service will not be holding anyone to account in the case of Kingsley Burrell and the final insult during this period of which there are more to come was the shock deselection of Councillor Paulette Hamilton in Handsworth Wood.
Clearly, some of these decisions are being made as we do not lobby and hold those in authority to account.
We appear to be frightened to say it how it is and water down our actions, whilst criticising how others are becoming more successful.
It's time for everyone to wake up; get a grip and smell the coffee, as it will soon be too late.
We must now stand up and be counted and we can start this by:
1. Attending the monthly protest outside Birmingham CPS Colmore Gate Birmingham which starts on 14th July at 12 noon until 2.00pm and every second Monday of each month until the inquest into the death in custody of Kingsley Burrell.
2. Sign the petition asking for Michael Gove to intervene and give Kajans College the opportunity to establish itself, following the outrageous decision to close it within a year of opening. Click here to sign the petition.
3. It is time to stand up and support our active Local Councillors and note the active hardworking Councillors such as Paulette Hamilton our mental health champion who has been deselected, by writing to the Labour Party, you do not need to be a member to complain as you are a member of the electorate upon which they rely when there is an election. For many years the African and Caribbean community has been loyal to labour but has they been loyal to us, one may ask? May be we should really give serious thought to thinking outside of the box. Please write to the Labour Party Regional Office, the Organisor is Ian Reilly email: [email protected] or tel: 0121-5691900.
Do remember do nothing, then the same happens, do something and see the difference. We do have the power; we only have to use it and let’s start today.
Desmond Jaddoo