Your support is needed.
When hearing about the renaming of Handsworth Leisure Centre to the "Nelson Mandela Health & Well Being Centre", I must say that Birmingham was showing forward thinking in its bid to honour Nelson Mandela.
However, since this I have spoken to other community colleagues and this has been welcomed apprehensively owing to the experience of The Mohammed Ali Centre.
Indeed some have commented that this is stereotyping the black community into sport yet again.
The main concern is that the iconic leader Nelson Mandela was and his legacy should be more fitting and one that everyone can benefit from that exhibits his values towards the next generation, young people, education, equality, freedom of access for all, peace, reconciliation, this list goes on.
Whilst on Newstyle Radio today we made suggestions and our colleague Mark suggested renaming the new Library after him, for which we asked the listeners and there was overwhelming support.
We therefore need your help to circulate this and ask everyone to email the Deputy Leader of Birmingham City Council Councillor Ian Ward, [email protected] in support of this, more than fitting and long lasting tribute to rename The New Library " The Birmingham Nelson Mandela Library"
Furthermore, does it not demonstrate Birmingham embracing its rich cultural diversity by naming one of its newest and iconic buildings after one of the most iconic leaders of the 21st century.
Please support this campaign to rename the Library of Birmingham to
" The Birmingham Nelson Mandela Library"
Please email your support to [email protected]
Please can you circulate and thank you.
Desmond Jaddoo
F: Desmond Jaddoo
[email protected]
When hearing about the renaming of Handsworth Leisure Centre to the "Nelson Mandela Health & Well Being Centre", I must say that Birmingham was showing forward thinking in its bid to honour Nelson Mandela.
However, since this I have spoken to other community colleagues and this has been welcomed apprehensively owing to the experience of The Mohammed Ali Centre.
Indeed some have commented that this is stereotyping the black community into sport yet again.
The main concern is that the iconic leader Nelson Mandela was and his legacy should be more fitting and one that everyone can benefit from that exhibits his values towards the next generation, young people, education, equality, freedom of access for all, peace, reconciliation, this list goes on.
Whilst on Newstyle Radio today we made suggestions and our colleague Mark suggested renaming the new Library after him, for which we asked the listeners and there was overwhelming support.
We therefore need your help to circulate this and ask everyone to email the Deputy Leader of Birmingham City Council Councillor Ian Ward, [email protected] in support of this, more than fitting and long lasting tribute to rename The New Library " The Birmingham Nelson Mandela Library"
Furthermore, does it not demonstrate Birmingham embracing its rich cultural diversity by naming one of its newest and iconic buildings after one of the most iconic leaders of the 21st century.
Please support this campaign to rename the Library of Birmingham to
" The Birmingham Nelson Mandela Library"
Please email your support to [email protected]
Please can you circulate and thank you.
Desmond Jaddoo
F: Desmond Jaddoo
[email protected]